Meal planning
Every goal has a path leading to it. If we get off track, we will lose sight of the goal and have to work twice as hard to get back. So, it’s time to set some boundaries!
Family dinners are a big thing in our house. It’s important for my husband and I to have this time with our kids and discuss whatever is on our minds while we eat. I like to have a family meeting to see what everyone wants for family dinners over the next week. The majority vote is not always the healthiest option, or maybe it is something that takes a long time to prepare (tomales, for example). Eating happy is just as important as eating healthy so we do not dodge every little dark desire. What we do try to achieve is a diet rich in good, healthy food most of the time. I plan for protein, veggie and some type of carb usually and every now and then a desert. The desert can range anywhere from a piece of fruit pie to yogurt and fruit or whip cream and fruit. I have found that when I have taken the time to plan for a meal, it becomes a goal. Once I have made the meal, I can count it as another accomplishment achieved! This is even better when the food is healthy and I see my family enjoying it!
Some days the plan just doesn’t work out or we have to make some adjustments. As it is with all active lifestyles, practices and travel time can sometimes take away from everyone eating dinner together. That’s ok, life happens. But we must acknowledge it and do what we can to keep from straying from our path of progress.
Grocery lists
Meal storage/prepping
Workout/Sleep schedules