Grace and Forgiveness 

Grace and Forgiveness  (progress, not perfection)

For many of us, it is much easier to care for others than it is to care for ourselves.When we do find something that motivates us toward selfcare there can be an inner resistance.  Maybe we feel a little selfish taking time for ourselves.   So, we can begin to make excuses or rationalize using that time for other things.  Doing this will be counterproductive to any goals we set for ourselves.

Do you ever not do something because you are waiting for the perfect moment? I have totally been there and still working on getting past my self-expectation of perfection.  I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to making time for myself.  Often, I think maybe I am being judged for doing something nice for myself like working out or maybe the dishes or laundry are not done?   My husband and family are amazing and encouraging but why am I so hard on myself?  So, I am here to tell you that you just have to get out and DO IT!!  If our goal is perfection, we will fail every day.  But, if our goal is to move forward, even just an inch, we can be successful every time.  Soon those inches will become miles and we’ll look back in amazement at how far we have come!  

We must not focus on perfection but just work on progress.  We will have better energy, feel better about ourselves, and be in a better mood!  SO just get started no matter where you are and just start and keep going.  I explain it this way: When starting something, make a plan, schedule it, and set your boundaries to keep that appointment to yourself.  If you are just starting to work out, don’t get discouraged.  Just workout for 10 minutes and stretch for 10 minutes, just sit on the floor and meditate or envision what your goals are and start working on it!  If you are still hard on yourself for taking the time to get mentally refreshed, remind yourself that it’s ok to fall short of perfection as long as you are giving an honest effort (and actually be honest with yourself).  Giving yourself grace will resound    You will be working with much more grace upon those around you as you are more able to give grace to others as well.

Here are my self-care strategies:

  • Rest, Nutrition, Hydration, Exercise & Stretching

  • Beauty, Skincare and Hygiene 

  • Massages, Spa days, Reading, Gardening or hobbies




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