2022 Project Come Back!

This is a mindset shift coming in the wake of a series of health issues and losses that my family has experienced in the past couple of years. Most recently, I lost my mother who was my best friend and one of my greatest supporters. Living through a pandemic has brought unique stresses and worries. We have all been affected in one way or another.

The dust is finally starting to settle and I feel like a dark, heavy cloud is lifting. I’m starting to finally see the sun rays coming through after the storm. As I reflect, I am a woman who is now 20-pounds heavier but full of determination. After allowing myself time to rest, grieve and heal it is time to wake up and smell the roses as my mom would say. She was always so positive and uplifting and I lost that when she left our world.

I’m looking forward, not back. I am dusting myself off and getting back up. Honestly it is kind of like my mom giving me a swift kick in the booty and telling me to quit feeling sorry for myself and to start doing what I love again. Finding that love and balance of being that wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend with a healthy attitude.

There’s something about making a sincere commitment to myself that makes it easier for me to focus. It has to be genuine, or it’s not real. It has to be a choice and not an obligation. When I feel obligated to do something it feels exactly like that, an obligation. It’s like going to a job that you are not excited to go to. No authenticity. Instead, it’s forced and then the excitement ends for me, right there!

The centerpiece of this plan is a healthy balance of nutrition, mindset and fitness. My plan of attack is FLEXIBILITY, Grace and Self-Love with my strong faith. I will focus on eating 3 meals a day and working out 5 days a week and to forgive myself if I slip-up. It’s ok, and knowing I will get back on track without judging myself.

For me, Project Come Back feels different.

It’s exciting and empowering, I surprise myself each day as I jump out of bed with motivation to do my best, knowing that just doing something will be better than not trying at all. Tying my laces and putting one foot in front of the other. Not doing a new fad diet or new exercise class. I am actually not following any specific diet or joining an exercise class. I am utilizing all the old nutritional principles I have in the past, and my same workout equipment in the basement of our home. I am done with my old, tired self that has been consuming my energy for the past couple of years.

So what are my nutritional habits?

I love protein shakes, they are easy and quick and I have such a wide variety of different flavors and recipes that I will never get bored! These shakes are so convenient that it is a no brainer. Along with a higher protein diet, I am increasing my greens and fiber rich foods. I love kale, spinach, bokchoy, fruits or just about anything from the produce section and if I don’t love it, that just means I probably haven’t tried it yet. Lastly, but really important is my hydration. I am aiming for about a gallon of water a day and the more I sweat, the more I drink.

This is going to be an amazing wellness journey, it’s not about the weight loss but about being confident and authentic to myself and my health. I am going to be sharing things on my Instagram along my journey and monthly blog posts. Not only am I showing up for myself this year but I want to help encourage you to show up for yourself as well, by sharing my journey I hope to inspire and empower others to recommit to themselves this year. See you on Instagram!


Mindset Shift with Grace


Understanding the need to slow down