Mindset Shift with Grace

When you get better, everything will get better for you.  For things to change, you have to change.
— Jim Rohn

Have you ever heard, “Change your thinking, change your life.”?

When you finally make a decision, and you have decided to go all-in, you begin to understand the impact moving forward will have upon yourself and those around you. Dedication means getting something done, even when and especially when it is hard. Determination is not something that happens in the body. It is something that happens in your mind. Mindset is the key to moving forward, if only an inch at a time, when quitting or turning back seems so much easier. But, we must remember that the relief we may feel from giving up is fleeting. It will quickly be replaced with disappointment and often guilt or shame. Those negative emotions will endure until you pick up the sword again, set your feet, and begin to move forward toward your goals.

An example from my own life and those close to me

You can conquer anything in your life if you want to if you just keep on working on yourself.
— Mark Hughes

Maybe you are tired of being unorganized or tired of those last stubborn 15 pounds to lose. Or maybe you have started and then got sidetracked with life, maybe lost a loved one, or had a tragedy hit close to home.  I totally get it!  I have been in those exact shoes.

I had to figure out what my true intentions are, why I was wanting to get in the best shape of my life. Was it really just about that trip to Hawaii, or was it a true lifestyle change?  Not going to deny that a vacation or wedding is a big motivation, but won’t it be great for those results to last beyond the event? This is about the long game. This is about getting to a place where you are happy, not just for a day or two, but every day. Is it going to be hard and challenging heck yes! You are going to just put one foot in front of the other.


So a few steps that helped me get my mind right might help you or someone else.

  1. Dig deep down inside and figure out what you truly desire, write it down… make a vision board.

  2. Make an action plan and timeline on how to achieve your desired goals. Using a food app or journal to log meals and snacks, supplements. Meal prepping is also a useful skill that can become a wonderful habit! Make sure, to be honest with yourself and plan for breaks to recover.  Setting the goal too high or trying to go too fast, are easy ways toward burnout.

  3. Acknowledge that you are worthy of attaining your desired goals? Give yourself mini rewards as you make progress toward reaching those goals.  Maybe it is a pedicure, massage, or schedule a  house cleaning session.

  4. Take responsibility. Have a “no excuse” mentality and find an accountability partner or group that you will text daily words of encouragement and who will be open and honest with you. Good accountability partners will pick you up and dust you off when you fall. They don’t just stand there and say nice things when you’re down.

  5. Have a positive attitude and faith in your ability to achieve your goals.

If you want to compete with someone, compete with yourself.  Be the best you possibly can be every day.
— Mark Hughes

Making the conscious decision to reach your attainable goals will make you feel great!  Set your goals high and if you don’t hit the mark then you are closer than not trying at all. As the saying goes, “ Shoot for the moon even if you miss, you will land among the Stars.” Norman Vincent Peale


Spring Forward toward your goals


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