Spring Forward toward your goals
The relationship between mindset and success is well known. We hear a lot about routines and habits which can be very helpful, but it takes a certain mindset to endure the repetitions overtime necessary to build good habits and develop daily rituals. Having the right intentions and focus will help you move forward in the direction of your goals.
Be honest with yourself about where you are now in relation to a desired goal. While also being reasonable about the goals we set. If set too high, we may not reach it. If you allow your ego to cloud self-assessment, the path will always be off the mark.
Progress always works better with a plan.
As the saying goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail.”.
This is where mindset comes in. There are many bits of wisdom that come into play. For example, if you are being honest with yourself and create reasonable goals, you can have confidence in your ability to reach them. Self-confidence allows us to stay focused and, more importantly, get back on track if we hit a bump along the way.
This leads to the next nugget of wisdom: Life will happen along the way. You may get pushed off course a little here and there. Sometimes it will feel like you’ve been knocked so far off track that it’s not worth the effort to get going again.
Enter, wisdom point number 3, quitting is a decision and the only one that can make that decision is you. What this means is that if you stay determined and keep moving toward your goal, there is nothing that can make you fail, except you. You have everything you need to succeed. All you have to do is keep moving forward, keep getting up when you are knocked down, and never give up!
Focus on how far you have come vs how far you have to go. Move one foot in front of the other to get up the mountain.
It happens to all of us. For example, my fitness and nutrition regimen changed a bit while I was traveling. But, I did not ultimately throw in the towel and quit. I merely adjusted my sails, went with the wind, and enjoyed myself but did not overindulge. We need to have grace with ourselves and acknowledge that we aren't perfect.
I passed on the dessert but had that drink with dinner. I got back on track with a protein shake the next morning and felt ready to conquer the day. For good measure, I even parked the car a little farther from the storefront and took in a few extra steps. This is how we succeed.
A positive and confident mindset with the goal in mind.
Being well with myself has been a huge key to success for me! Despite my little bump in the road, I got back from my travels, jumped on the scale, and noticed my weight hadn’t gone up. I was absolutely thrilled! I started this week by prepping some veggies, fruits, and nutritional supplements. Our clock moved forward one hour yet I felt energized and ready for this new week.
Yes, I was ready to conquer the rest of the month with a fueled mindset and renewed focus! This comes from knowing what my limits are and when I need to rest, recover, and refresh to have that energy that we all need to keep moving forward.
A large part of such successes comes from planning ahead. I knew I was going to be traveling, and I knew that I would likely be “bending the rules” a little bit. Because I knew this, I was able to prepare using my planner. Using my planner to help me set small and achievable goals for the time I would be away made a huge difference in how I thought through my actions.
For example, when I wrote that I’d like to get a certain amount of steps in, I would make sure to park farther away from the store and enjoy the walk there instead. Building up small goals like this can not only make an impact mentally by clarifying your day-to-day plans but can also have an impact on your physical health as well! When you have completed a small goal, it boosts your confidence to keep completing those goals as you go throughout the day, week, and month. Eventually, all of those little movements will get you to your end goal (a much larger goal) in no time at all!
It can seem daunting to get started on a planner when there are so many different options out there. This is why I have set up a beginner-friendly, easy-to-use planner! This planner is set up in a way that allows you to choose what you need - whether that be a monthly goal plan, a habit tracker, meal planner, or a goal-organizer - just choose the pages that work best for you and download them for free! Remember your why and keep moving forward!