Returning to routines

Returning from holiday or extended summer vacation and getting back into routine.

While summer vacations can be exciting, fun, and full of family adventures where memories are created.  They can also be quite exhausting. We come home to find that the reality of normal daily life has been waiting for our return.  Thus, we are required to switch back to our routines.

This all feels somewhat new after the strange experience of pandemic America.

Lot’s of vacations were forgoed for several years and planning for a vacation was new.  Also,  wondering if the vacation was even going to happen.  So many times before our plans were canceled due to Covid-19, so we kind of half expected it to so we tried not to get to excited.

In order for us to make that switch, we must be able to flex and adjust.

Those things we were conveniently able to let go of during our vacation come back into our world as the structure of normal living settles back in.  The same is true for many transitions we experience.  For example, for us parents, there are two times of the year : school year and summer.

While this may seem oversimplified, it is anything but simple.

The differences between the two are significant.  Schools across the nation have opened for the new school year.  There are new bedtimes, new meal schedules, making time for household chores, including laundry, yardwork, dishes, and a list of things that never seems to end.

The work-life balance also changes.

Some of this depends upon the type of work we do. Do you work from home or outside the home?  For traditional workers, having a job you can do from home seems like a utopia. Like many things, there are benefits and drawbacks to both. Working outside the home I find easier because the distractions are left at home.  When working at home you find the routine hard to get back into.

What does your routine look like or what would you like it to look like?

One of the things I found useful is my calendar to write down appointments, important dates, schedules and meal ideas.  By anchoring down these elements of chaos it frees me up to focus on the important things that I want to make time for example might be a special birthday.  Using a planner gives me the feeling of structure and control.

I can look ahead and make a plan for my day, week, month or even a year in advance.

I also take advantage of technology to provide me a reminders of obligations I have throughout the day.  This helps me plan to be attentive toward professional and social obligations.  I rarely miss important meetings or social events and that helps me to manage my personal and professional reputation.

How was vacation? It was amazing and glad we were able to travel safely and all returned healthy back from an International vacation.  Felt good to be able to travel again and somehow felt normal.  Of course returning home safely was all a wonderful feeling as well.

Now that the kids are back in school, it’s easier to navigate new daily habits and structures.

This is where I have started to take a look at what I am doing to grow my business in 2023. A Lot of people have asked what got me started and what drives me to continue working from home, doing what I do.  First, as a nutritional supplementation distributor, I enjoy the impact I make in people's lives.  I love the opportunity to help others and the freedom it has given our family.

I get to be a present mom while still helping contribute to our household income.

When I was not generating income, money was tight.  The rewards came from sticky little hands, picking up toys, cleaning house, and running errands and trying to save money to help the household budget.

Our kids have gotten older and much more independent as teenagers.

My demands as a mother have changed.  Now it is adding car insurance, gas money, fun money to my kids pockets. This transition era makes me think more about our family's future.  Retirement, travel, college, weddings, and grandchildren are a few of the things that come to mind.  Where does this lead me to? It makes me want to grow my business to give my family more opportunities and to leave them a legacy.  This has me working on revamping my website and looking at new challenges and growth opportunities.  Developing new leaders with a like-minded mindset of helping others in the nutritional field.

New holiday challenge starting September 26th! Come see what I do and get started today!


Wellness Coaching ?


Summer Vacations & Traveling